Special Education

The Rockets Online Campus provides a full continuum of special education services, modifications, and accommodations for exceptional children from preschool through age 21. 

Programs and Related Services

Every student has the right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to meet his/her unique learning needs in the least restrictive environment possible. Working together with families and local school districts, we provide exceptional students access to quality and meaningful education supports, services, and opportunities with needs in any of the following developmental areas: physical, sensory, cognitive, language and speech, social/emotional, fine/gross motor, and self-help. 

Related services available to students include transportation, developmental, and other supportive services such as speech pathology and audiology, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, social work services, school health services, early identification and assessment, medical services for diagnosis or evaluation, parent counseling and education, rehabilitation counseling services, and assistive technology services.

Screening and Evaluation

All Rockets Online Campus students that may need a screening or an evaluation should contact your home school district. Each district have procedures to identify children who need special education services. If a disability is suspected, the Rockets Online Campus teachers or other personnel may refer a child for screening or evaluation.

Parents who suspect that a child may have a disability who requires special education or early intervention services can request a screening or an evaluation by contacting the special education office or building principal in their local school district. If special education placement is recommended, parents and the team develop an individual education program (IEP) for the child.