Support Systems
Rockets Online Campus faculty and staff provide comprehensive support to ROC students and their families based on each student’s grade level and the specific needs. We accomplish this by establishing open communication lines between students, families, and staff to ensure learners are “attending” class and on track and understand their assignments.
We Are Here for Our Students
ROC faculty and staff will
- spend the necessary amount of time monitoring student coursework and helping with lessons;
- provide tutoring or other support and activities;
- communicate regularly with students, family, and other teachers;
- assist students and families with tracking learner progress;
- use assessments and student data to identify students with instructional/learning gaps and provide remediation;
- help students resolve technology issues; and
- engage with students by offering synchronous learning opportunities.
Morning Meetings (Pre-Kindergarten–2)
During our virtual daily Morning Meeting we learn together and establish a sense of community as we look at the day’s activities, practice new skills, tell stories, and participate in movement activities and fluency drills.
Check In and Chat (Grades 3–5)
Check In and Chat is a daily virtual meeting where students interact with their peers in a structured school setting. Students and teachers use this time to discuss the daily lesson, ask and answer questions, practice new skills, and chat.
Helpline (Grade 6)
Both sixth grade teachers are online to support English language arts, math, science, social studies, and the encore courses.
Helpline (Grades 7–12)
Help is always just a click away. Between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., ROC secondary school teachers for English language arts, math, science, and social studies are available to answer questions and provide support.
Special Education Resource Room
The ROC Special Education Department is hosting a daily virtual resource room meeting space from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. for our special education students. Support for all subjects is available during this time.
On-Demand Academic Coaching (All Grades)
8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
We want every ROC student to have a positive and successful academic experience. Our staff is always happy to schedule individual academic coaching sessions to assist in completing missed work, answer questions, guide students through challenging lessons, or simply provide support and encouragement. To access our academic coaches, call ROC at (814) 827-0565 any school day, and we will email you a link for a meeting.